Biz tips, creative inspo & musings...

Cartoon brain with a soldier hat paying attention to word bubbles that say "little"

Stop calling your personal project ‘little’

Ashley wearing a cartoon fedora surrounded by question marks, over thinking puzzle pieces

The 5 biggest mistakes creatives make when choosing a passion project

Ash sipping a coconut vs. conference room

Do you have to quit your full time job to create your side hustle?

To do list productivity monsters
Bear catching salmon

Makeover your to-do list and make time for what matters

Cartoon Pomodoro timer with pompoms next to 25 minute timer

The Pomodoro Technique – Use a tomato timer to get more done

no ragrets

Passion project? 7 surprising reasons why you should make one.

5 Amazingly Effective Perfectionism Blasters

51 Inspired Passion Project Ideas for Creatives