Mind Monsters

 You know that super annoying person that keeps sabotaging your creative pursuits? (Spoiler alert: it’s you.) I created the mind monsters so instead of beating yourself up when you get stuck you can blame the fake thing you made up instead.

LIfe Purpose Pressure

Life Purpose Pressure

Ya know that terrible feeling of dread that you are running out of time to figure out and accomplish your 1 thing?!



Does this sound familiar? You get inspired with an idea and you’re pumped to bring it to life! The ideas are flowing. You are having

Analysis Paralysis

Analysis Paralysis

Analysis Paralysis: A mind monster that loves crushing your creative before it ever gets a chance to go anywhere. Say you’re excited about creating something,

To Do List

To Do List

Is the project that’s most important to you buried at the bottom of a never-ending to do list? I’ll work on __________, AFTER I finish