Squid Brain


Stop sabotaging yourself and create something that lights you up.

I see you creative worker bee.

Hard at work on the “Final-final-final-FINAL” version of that project.

You stay up late, put a few hours in on the weekend. You deliver amazing work to your clients over and over.

But when’s the last time you made something creative for yourself?

When you got so lost in making something you forgot to eat lunch? (And you LOVE lunch!)

You were born a creator.
You loved creating so much you made it your job.

But now it seems you create for everyone except you.

Passion Project Ideas

It’s time to make YOUR thing. To make A Thing for yourself.

What if you allowed yourself to get weird? To get messy. To write a shitty first draft. To learn how to animate stick figures. To search ukulele lessons on YouTube. To walk around the art supply store and buy something totally impractical. To experiment and play and discover what you actually love to do.

Passion Project dots

PLAN Your Passion

Organize your life & make time for what matters.

Think you’re too busy to finish a personal project? Try a planner that puts passion first!


Passion Project dots

hi! I'm ash,

Maker of Passion Projects,
Recovering Perfectionist

I spent years procrastinating on my own passion projects — yet had no problem consistently delivering killer work for my clients.

Eventually I got fed-up and figured out how to hack my own brain to stop sabotaging myself and finally make my thing!

I believe what worked for me will work for you. And that you deserve to create something that lights you up!

Ideas, Tips & Tricks

Join a Coworking
Passion Project
Power Hour

Spend 1 hour working on your personal project with others!

What if you took 1 hour and worked on something that lit you up with some cool-minded peeps doing the same?!

Coworking Passion Project Power Hour
Passion Project Zig Zag

Slay Your Mind monsters & make your thing

Keep getting stuck when you try to finish a personal project? Grab my passion project planner to help keep you focused on what matters and show those made-up mind monsters who’s boss.